i am happy to report that we have survived the 14 hour long
drive to and from washington.
no sleeping pills were administered and logan got to
drive grandpa's car to his heart's content.
now for the fun part-pictures!
we made our first pit stop a few hours into the drive.
i believe it was somewhere in idaho.
this sign was very comforting:

needless to say this was the most fascinating gas station
i have ever seen with my own two eyes.
it had everything there-including lamas & bats.

after a looooooong journey we made it to washington & had
a blast hanging out with the taylor clan the day before the wedding.

the taylor home is amazing and has an incredible backyard.
one of its many features is the zip-line my uncle tom made.
logan was in hog-heaven on that thing.
i haven't seen a smile on him that big since our wedding day.

the morning of the wedding logan & i went for a run on a trail
that was conveniently located behind our hotel.
our excitement was quickly squandered when a giant construction
sight blocked the path of the trail a grand total of 2 minutes into our run.
we ended up running around this ugly industrial park.
at least we tried, right?

that night was the wedding reception and it was b-e-autiful!
it was pretty and simple and i'm so glad my favorite cousin
is finally married to the love of his life, tanya.

the coolest thing at the reception was a guy who drew caricatures
of all the wedding guests.
logan & i have always wanted to have one of these done but never
wanted to pay the small fortune they always seem to cost at touristy spots.
having one done at the reception for free was perf.

the morning after the wedding we headed up to the
taylor cabin in lake wenatchee.
my uncle tom totally rebuilt this cabin like 10 years ago and it's pretty much amazing.
he built all the furniture for it and it is a cozy little slice of heaven.

after getting to the cabin and settling in, we went for a hike.
little did we know that we were in for a 4 hour
steep incline excursion that entailed trekking through snow!
i felt like i was climbing everest.
however the view from the top of lake minotaur and lake theseus
was well worth the sweat.

our wedding week in washington was a lot of fun & we enjoyed
every minute of it.
now it's back to provo and back to reality!
will someone please have a wedding soon so i can go on
another vacation?